My Portfolio

Here are some of my open source projects. You can choose a card, click on it to read more about the project, or you can simply check projects one by one. To do so, jump to the bottom navigation links

Tracking Rick & Morty

Tracking Rick & Morty is a minimalistic app that aims to track the characters statuses of the TV show Rick & Morty

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Nuxt Content Blog

A Nuxt Content blog template. Based on Nuxt 3, Nuxt Content v2 and Tailwind CSS (+Tailwind Typography)

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VitePress portfolio template

A free and open source portfolio template for developers that just look for a ready-to-go and minimal website. Based on VitePress

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Notes app

An app that let you create notes. Made with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS

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A fictional desktop session of the Pokémon's Pr Chen. Imitating a Windows 11 like user interface, the project has been made using Vite, Vue.js, Pinia and Tailwind CSS

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Abstract is a small web app that provides free wallpapers i've made with Figma. This new version is based on Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS

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