About me

Myself and I ๐ŸŽค


Hi there! My name is Steven Averlant (or Stav on the Internet). I am 26 years old and currently living in France. I've learned front-end web development mostly by myself and (slightly) followed an IT cursus at Pop School then (a web developer school located in the North of the France)

Passionate by web design (UI/UX) and front-end development, I discovered technologies and trends I am actually trying to master as much as I can. Thus, I am always trying to keep in touch with tech news to stay informed

My core stacks

I am working with modern technologies like:

  • Vite
  • Vue 3 (Composition API)
  • Nuxt 3 & Nuxt modules (content, docus, document-driven, tailwindcss)
  • Pinia
  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • SCSS
  • Git, GitHub & GitLab
  • Netlify

Learning routine

Because I am convinced it is important to stay up to date with tech news and because I am passionate, I am constantly learning

Currently learning more about:

  • GSAP
  • TypeScript
  • Svelte
  • Cypress
  • Node.js
  • Supabase
  • C#